Original Quality Replica bags with Low Price, No Tax!
Accept Paypal, Western Union/MoneyGram, T/T!

Shipping & Returns

We can offer you worldwide shipping service including drop-shipping, We usually send the items you ordered within 2 business days after your payment is confirmed to be received.

We use DHL/Fedex/aramex/EMS to ship to all countries.

The shipping charge is $35 when your order is less than 4 items, Free shipping when 4 items or more.

Normally, you can receive your package within 3-5 business days for the customers in us,ca,au,europe, 4~10 working days for other countries.

Please agree to this before submit the order.
-Due to China Custom Situation or stock availability, delivery time or tracking number may be delayed by several days.
-Some items may run out of stock, we will ask you to replace.
-We declare low value for each parcel, but are not responsible for your custom duty if they charge you.

Notice: we have rich experience in mark the package get through the Customs, 100% guarantee of China Custom.
Though 99.9% of our Customers receiver their products successfully, in the unpredictable situation, if the package is seized, we can not offer any compensation.

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www.facebags.ru is a reputable supplier for 1:1 replica handbags, accept Credit Card(Visa card), MoneyGram, Bank Transfer etc.
Any question, please contact us:facehandbags@hotmail.com