Original Quality Replica bags with Low Price, No Tax!
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Exchange & Returns

Exchanged & Returns

We have an experienced team,all replica handbags
will been carefully checked before we sent. No matter the quality or package that our QC expert who have perfect skills and also can pay attention on each detail.
if the goods have some problems, all our handbags come with an extensive 7 Days Money-Back Guarantee during which you can return items for a refund or exchange.
-All returned bags mest be authorised from our team, if we do not ask you to send goods back but you do, we can not process to exchange or return.
-All refund must be the reason of product, not accept subjective wishes.
-You MUST inform us within 7 days after you have received the package for return or exchange.
-The product must be returned unused and in the original condition you received it in, with all original packaging and no signs of wear, used product can only be repaired for free of charge.
-The product is subject to final inspection before your return is processed.
-Please insure your return. We are not responsible for shipping damages or lost on your return, Allow 1-2 weeks for the credit to appear on your statement of account.
-Customer pays money for shipping returned and shipping sent, also need to pay extra $20 for each pcs if you want to refund.
-Please contact our sales team for return address.

P.S: we take photo by ourselves, what you see is what you will get, please view our details when you place order.
all refund or exchange must be the reason of product, such as you get different items or color�etc, we can not accept some refund reason such as "the quality is not perfect" etc.
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www.facebags.ru is a reputable supplier for 1:1 replica handbags, accept Credit Card(Visa card), MoneyGram, Bank Transfer etc.
Any question, please contact us:facehandbags@hotmail.com